Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?Evaluation Question 6

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Within my prelim our brief was to film a conversation between two or more people. We decided to do a conversation between a doctor and his patient. As a group we had to use a range of different camera work to show off the skills we had learnt through the lessons, for example close ups and also high angle shots and low angle shots. We had to complete the task so that we could compare it to our final and this would show us the progress we had made from the beginning of the year towards the end of the year. This task showed us that  filming wasn’t as easy  as it came across and also that it was hard to demonstrate and present a clear message through camera work using different techniques. This task also showed us that we have to plan out what we film because otherwise it’s hard to get a group together and successfully know what you’re doing. In relation to our thriller opening this helped us show where we needed to improve, for example getting the continuity editing to be exactly right and also making sure the camera angles look professional. We learnt rules like the 180 degree rule and how to use eye line match to show what a person is looking at. Working as a group was a massive part of filming, getting everyone together to make sure we could complete the task was a huge task, and making sure we put our individual skills together to get the work done efficiently was also extremely important. The prelim task also showed us how long it takes to make 30 seconds of film, this includes the editing and also planning. It showed us that our 4 minutes of film was going to take much longer than we expected meaning we needed to do a lot of planning.
To improve next time i think we would have made a stronger plan and maybe started earlier to ensure we had the time to complete all the scenes. We also could have put more time into editing to make sure the continuity was good.

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